Ritsuki 麗月 here. I think few days isn’t that slow? I mean, I hope it’s not too slow.
As always, thank you for the support and encouragements!
Last week Mr/Ms Alexander helped me by supporting me. Thank you!
Also, NaxoBro kept giving me directions, and corrections, I am very thankful of that. He’s a godsend, I am sure.
This chapter has a lot, like, LOTS of SFX and Japanese cultural references. So in the end it took me 1-2 days to clean and redraw, and another 1-2 days for the translation and typesetting. I hope it is good enough quality. I did check them a few times before posting.
Please enjoy Chapter 18.
You can read it online here: https://mangadex.org/chapter/1210408
You can download this chapter using this link (no password): https://waa.ai/ejVM/65744f
That waa.ai link will include all the previous chapters too.
Thank you, always. (*´ω`*)
—Ritsuki 麗月
Please update this fast senseiiiiiiii 🙂
Fuck! backspace key broke 🙁
Se… sensei? Huh?
Anyway. I’ll try to translate as fast as I can… which will be around one chapter every week.
So please stay with me!! 🙂
Also, I hope you can fix your broken backspace key… 😉
Best wishes,